News of Iran
Dr. Seyed Ahmad Reza Dastgheib New President of SAC Elected by the Parliament

In an open session of the Islamic Consultative Assembly on Tuesday, 3 January 2023, Dr. Seyed Ahmad Reza Dastgheib was elected as the new President of the Supreme Audit Court of the Islamic Republic of Iran with 141 votes in favor out of the 253 votes of the Members of the Parliament.
He is 46 years of age and was preceded by Dr. Mehrdad Bazrpash who was recently elected by the Parliament as the Minister of Roads and Urban Development.
SAI Iran Hosted the First ECOSAI International Training Course on IT Audit in 2022

SAI Iran hosted an online five-day International Training Course on IT Audit from 17 to 21 January 2022. The course was attended by the unprecedented number of 100 participants from all full and observer members of ECOSAI as well as some participants from ASOSAI,covering some latest important theoretical and practical themes in the realm of IT audit
At the opening ceremony of this course, Dr. Mehrdad Bazrpash, President of SAI Iran,expressed his satisfaction on hosting of Tehran as the first course in the ECOSAI TrainingPlan in the new year and added that strengthening specialized meetings in order to booster thematic and regional treaties can aid countries in managing domestic crises and cause moreresilience to international pressures to save the world from the unilateralism of some countries.
Having expressed that the ECOSAI members are civilized nations with a brilliant historical background, Dr. Bazrpash considered the coexistence of these countries in various issues and organizations as a motive to establish one of the most important international treaties in near future. Furthermore, he called for more efforts on the part of ECOSAI members to become more effective in ASOSAI and INTOSAI organizations.
In the end, Dr. Bazarpash announced the readiness of SAI Iran to form a working group focusing on information technology auditing in line with INTOSAI policies and added that Iran places great emphasis on strengthening the role of information technology in audits, and the choice of the slogan "Technological and People-Based SAI" shows this importance.
During this international event, Mr. K. R. Sriram, Deputy Auditor General of SAI India as the Chair of INTOSAI WGITA and Mr. Rassul Rakhimov, Representative of SAI Kazakhstan as the Chair of ECOSAI gave speeches and some major and outstanding Iranian lecturers and instructors in the scope of IT audit elaborated the most recent and practicalt echniques and methodologies of IT audit. Besides, representatives of SAIs of Turkey,Palestine, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan presented their concerned papers in the realm of IT audit.
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